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The COVID-19 Protection Framework provides flexibility for businesses as New Zealand manages COVID-19 in the community.

The traffic light settings allow businesses to open and operate with flexibility while protecting our hospitals and health system.

The Framework will continue to protect New Zealanders, while also providing more certainty and new opportunities. It minimises the impact through three settings – Green, Orange and Red.

Covid Traffic Light

Red - Utilities including electricity, water, gas, waste water.

Workplaces can open including any in-home services.

Working from home may be appropriate for some staff.

Indoor capacity limits apply with 1 metre distancing.

Facemasks encouraged in workplace and required for indoor retail.

Orange - Utilities including electricity, water, gas, waste water.

Can operate without restriction.

Facemasks encouraged indoors.

Green - Utilities including electricity, water, gas, waste water.

Can operate without restriction.

Facemasks encouraged indoors.

COVID-19: About
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